Traditional Day Camps

Traditional Day Camps

Grow Up With ESF logo

Junior Camp

  • Mini Division (PreS, PreK, & K)
  • Intermediate Division (Grades 1–2) 

Senior Camp

  • Lower Division (Grades 3–5)
  • Upper Division (Grades 6–8)


ESF’s Traditional Day Camps provide over 60+ age-appropriate activities, all summer long, for children in rising Preschool – 10th grades. Cherished camp bonds are built summer after summer, rooted in pure fun, shared experiences, personal growth, and community!

Our progressive programming structure includes three Traditional Day Camps with Divisions, specifically designed for specific grade levels. Campers literally “Grow up ESF” by returning each summer to explore new adventures, participate in time-honored traditions, build life-long friendships, and create memories to last a lifetime!

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