“Fast Five” for Multi-Sport Athletes – Tips From A Physical Therapist


Over 50% of all children in the U.S. participate in organized youth sports, but for a handful of parents and their children, there is a debate on whether to stick with one sport or try playing multiple sports. The outcome can depend on a myriad of factors and there are certainly pros and cons to each, but as Dr. Matthew Harris sees it – being a multi-sports athlete is the way to go. 

We’re pleased to welcome Dr. Harris back for another “Fast Five” session – this one focusing on multi-sport athletics. We once again sat down with Dr. Harris to ask him five quick questions and gather some insights for parents about this topic. We invite you to join our free, upcoming webinar at 6 pm on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024: Why Balanced Play and Multi-Sport Participation Matters For Every Child

What are the biggest benefits of playing multiple sports for children?

Playing a variety of sports can reduce the strain on an athlete’s body, decreasing their risk of injury and/or burnout. By playing different sports, an athlete uses muscles in different patterns, reducing repetitive stress. Playing different sports can also enhance an athlete’s performance in their primary sport.

What are some of the most common injuries you see, and how can children avoid them?

About half of all sports injuries in kids are overuse injuries. Simply put, these injuries are due to an athlete training too much and not getting enough rest. We educate athletes and families on the importance of gradual progression in their training and ensuring that some rest period is built into their schedule. A general rule of thumb is that an athlete should not be training more hours per week than their age in years.

How can young athletes stay motivated during off-seasons, especially during winter?

During the off-season of an athletes primary sport is a great time to engage in another form of physical activity. Sometimes you can play a different sport, assuming you have enough rest in your schedule. I have even recommended non-traditional activities like ninja gyms. The offseason is also a great time to work on goal setting for the next season.

What’s one simple routine every athlete should add to their warm-up activities, even when they aren’t on the field?

A good warm-up should focus on increasing your body temperature and performing similar movements to those you would find in your sport. I am a big fan of completing a dynamic warm-up that includes things like straight leg kicks, marches, skips, lunges, etc. When you’re not preparing to train or compete, performing a static stretching routine can help improve your flexibility.

How does playing multiple sports help with long-term development?

Generally speaking, athletes who participate in multiple sports are more likely to continue to engage in physical activity later in life. The benefits of physical activity are numerous including better physical health and mental well-being. Establishing a love for sport and activity can help improve someone’s likelihood to engage in these healthy habits.

Hear more from Dr. Harris at tomorrow’s Webinar – Click here to RSVP!